SMART Marketing Objectives Based on Your Business Goals

Creating an effective marketing strategy for your business means setting marketing goals that align with your business goals. Depending on your highest priorities, your approach may look a lot different from your closest competitors.  Do you need more of your target audience to know who you are? Then, you’re seeking brand awareness. Need more sales? […]

Getting Started with 10 Key Content Marketing Metrics

Metrics, or it didn’t happen. Marketing metrics are numerical measures that can help businesses measure the performance of their marketing activities. They provide insights into how customers interact with their products, services, and campaigns. We use these insights to improve the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Examples of data that businesses can track include content metrics […]

How to Build a Welcoming & Inclusive Small Business Identity Online

We’re wrapping up Pride Month, and many brands have been showing their support for (or their desire to sell to) the LGBTQ+ community in different ways. It’s popular to use a rainbow version of their logo to commemorate the month. However, when your action doesn’t reflect how your business behaves throughout the year – it’s […]

Create a Free Marketing Strategy

Marketing is what you need to help people find your wonderful business. We know that “social media is free” – but how do you develop a plan? How would you know if it’s working if you had one? Can free marketing be effective in the first place? Here at Main Street MarTech, we don’t believe […]

Did You Do the Free Stuff? How to Market Your Business Online

Do the stuff that makes your business viable before you go slapping your new logo on t-shirts and showing off at networking events. Take all that rah-rah empowerment you got from that inspiring women’s conference to sit down and do the damn work.